Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 The Race

".. and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us". ( Heb 12: 1) 

Races involve people who are trained up and ready to exert energy. They are not there to twiddle their thumbs, but rather they are focused and determined to do one thing. Can you guess what that is?   To cross the finish line before the rest of the runners. To be first. To be best. To get a medal. To get the honor. A race or any other sport draws us into a competitive spirit. 

The Christian life is often described as a race. The author of Hebrews spoke of the race in the context of endurance, keeping the course and not turning back.  You've probably heard it said a time or two that the Christian faith is more of a marathon than a sprint. We are in it for the long haul. And while this analogy is good in many ways ,we can be deceived by the race analogy if we are not paying attention. We can begin to think that we are running in competition with other believers. 

The mental picture we may have is based on the natural. We envision a crowd of runners who gather together, all dressed in their proper running attire , just chomping at the bit to take off like a rocket when the starter pistol is fired.  They are not there for a Sunday afternoon stroll. They are there to win. To be faster than the other runners. To pass others on the course and leave them in the dust. They are there to compete against the other runners to win. 

Competition will inevitably bring comparison between runners as well. The runners look around to see what sort of competition they have. Perhaps summing up how some are much faster. They have more experience and training. They may have a better body physique that makes the runner faster by nature.  The competitor may also silently feel smug, discounting others because he knows he has the advantage over another for whatever reason.

Competition and Comparison are the two evil twins that we do not want as buddies. We need to avoid these two like the plague! While some healthy competition may be just fine in the sports arena, it is deadly and dangerous to the Christian. It will destroy the individual and it does great damage to the Body of Christ. Comparing oneself is lethal as well. Either you will come away full of pride , feeling better than the other person  or you will feel you are a not as good and therefore of lesser value in the Kingdom. Both of these comparisons are straight from the pit of hell.  

Christians are not to have the mindset of the world which thrives on comparison and competition. We are to have the mind of Christ. We exhort and encourage one another. We help each other out when one is down and needs a hand. We love as Christ loves us. 

Yes, we are to run with endurance, but make sure you remember the verse that follows: " fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  And as you are keeping your eyes on Him, encourage  a sister or a brother to do the same.

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