Thursday, August 25, 2022

 Are You a Judas?

Read Luke 6: 12-16

Are you a Judas? I'm not talking about "The" Judas, Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve apostles that became a traitor, a traitor who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. After his evil betrayal, he went out and hung himself. ( Matthew 26:14-16, 27:1-10)

In Luke 6: 16 we read of another Judas, Judas son of James. Can you imagine what it must have been like for Judas son of James? Let's call him JJ for short. After Judas Iscariot became the most well known traitor of all time, JJ must have had times where in he was confused with the bad guy. After all , he too was one of the Twelve and they did share the same name. But he also served alongside of the "good famous" guys too. Peter, James, John.... most folks know these fellows as well. Even doubting Thomas, Phillip, and  Matthew get some press. But Judas son of James? (Mark 3:18 lets us know that he was also known as Thaddeus.)  

But here was JJ of whom we know nothing. Did you even know that there was another apostle named Judas other than the Traitor? Most people do not and unless we pay attention reading verse 16 in Luke's account we probably miss it altogether. This guy has really gone unnoticed by the world.

Do you ever feel like a no name, blend into the wall kind of person? Like you don't really matter, overlooked by those who make the " wall of fame" whether good or bad? You're just the average Joe who might as well be invisible? Do you ever feel like a wall flower? No one notices you or if they do, they just keep on going? Nothing to see here, keep moving....

As I read through Luke 6 this morning this guy, "JJ" stood out to me and reminded me of a powerful truth. Even if the rest of the world doesn't know much of this man, God knew him, loved him and chose him. God chose him!  God sees even those who, by the world's standards ,seem to just blend right into the wall. The plain Janes and ordinary folks who think they are nothing special.  But in God's eyes they are special!

So if you're feeling like a nobody, just remember that God thinks you are very special and valuable. So valuable you were worth dying for! Jesus paid the price of our sin with the most valuable currency the world has ever known, His blood. 

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