Wednesday, August 31, 2022

 The Race

".. and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us". ( Heb 12: 1) 

Races involve people who are trained up and ready to exert energy. They are not there to twiddle their thumbs, but rather they are focused and determined to do one thing. Can you guess what that is?   To cross the finish line before the rest of the runners. To be first. To be best. To get a medal. To get the honor. A race or any other sport draws us into a competitive spirit. 

The Christian life is often described as a race. The author of Hebrews spoke of the race in the context of endurance, keeping the course and not turning back.  You've probably heard it said a time or two that the Christian faith is more of a marathon than a sprint. We are in it for the long haul. And while this analogy is good in many ways ,we can be deceived by the race analogy if we are not paying attention. We can begin to think that we are running in competition with other believers. 

The mental picture we may have is based on the natural. We envision a crowd of runners who gather together, all dressed in their proper running attire , just chomping at the bit to take off like a rocket when the starter pistol is fired.  They are not there for a Sunday afternoon stroll. They are there to win. To be faster than the other runners. To pass others on the course and leave them in the dust. They are there to compete against the other runners to win. 

Competition will inevitably bring comparison between runners as well. The runners look around to see what sort of competition they have. Perhaps summing up how some are much faster. They have more experience and training. They may have a better body physique that makes the runner faster by nature.  The competitor may also silently feel smug, discounting others because he knows he has the advantage over another for whatever reason.

Competition and Comparison are the two evil twins that we do not want as buddies. We need to avoid these two like the plague! While some healthy competition may be just fine in the sports arena, it is deadly and dangerous to the Christian. It will destroy the individual and it does great damage to the Body of Christ. Comparing oneself is lethal as well. Either you will come away full of pride , feeling better than the other person  or you will feel you are a not as good and therefore of lesser value in the Kingdom. Both of these comparisons are straight from the pit of hell.  

Christians are not to have the mindset of the world which thrives on comparison and competition. We are to have the mind of Christ. We exhort and encourage one another. We help each other out when one is down and needs a hand. We love as Christ loves us. 

Yes, we are to run with endurance, but make sure you remember the verse that follows: " fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith.  And as you are keeping your eyes on Him, encourage  a sister or a brother to do the same.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

 Are You a Judas?

Read Luke 6: 12-16

Are you a Judas? I'm not talking about "The" Judas, Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve apostles that became a traitor, a traitor who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. After his evil betrayal, he went out and hung himself. ( Matthew 26:14-16, 27:1-10)

In Luke 6: 16 we read of another Judas, Judas son of James. Can you imagine what it must have been like for Judas son of James? Let's call him JJ for short. After Judas Iscariot became the most well known traitor of all time, JJ must have had times where in he was confused with the bad guy. After all , he too was one of the Twelve and they did share the same name. But he also served alongside of the "good famous" guys too. Peter, James, John.... most folks know these fellows as well. Even doubting Thomas, Phillip, and  Matthew get some press. But Judas son of James? (Mark 3:18 lets us know that he was also known as Thaddeus.)  

But here was JJ of whom we know nothing. Did you even know that there was another apostle named Judas other than the Traitor? Most people do not and unless we pay attention reading verse 16 in Luke's account we probably miss it altogether. This guy has really gone unnoticed by the world.

Do you ever feel like a no name, blend into the wall kind of person? Like you don't really matter, overlooked by those who make the " wall of fame" whether good or bad? You're just the average Joe who might as well be invisible? Do you ever feel like a wall flower? No one notices you or if they do, they just keep on going? Nothing to see here, keep moving....

As I read through Luke 6 this morning this guy, "JJ" stood out to me and reminded me of a powerful truth. Even if the rest of the world doesn't know much of this man, God knew him, loved him and chose him. God chose him!  God sees even those who, by the world's standards ,seem to just blend right into the wall. The plain Janes and ordinary folks who think they are nothing special.  But in God's eyes they are special!

So if you're feeling like a nobody, just remember that God thinks you are very special and valuable. So valuable you were worth dying for! Jesus paid the price of our sin with the most valuable currency the world has ever known, His blood. 

Thursday, August 18, 2022

 Keep It Simple

People in general seem have a tendency to overcomplicate the simplest of things. Some of us more so than others! I know that I for one am one of those overthinkers. It is not a character trait of which that I  nor do I hope to continue on in it!  I am a work in progress!

While we are certainly instructed to study our Bibles in order to better know our Lord and Savior , sometimes the more we know, the more we over analyze things too. It  can become an opportunity for us to overthink things, get confused and frustrated. That's when the enemy takes the opportunity and walks right in the door we have opened! 

As I was doing some morning chores, I thought about a song that a very dear family sang in church many years ago. It was a song by Andrae Crouch called "Jesus is the Answer". You can do an internet search and even  listen to it if you want, but the simple point is this:  Jesus is the answer for the world today. That means for you and for me. In all areas of our lives!  

The Gospel is simple. As in uncomplicated. No one needs  a PHD to understand. We don't need to dissect it, then research it, then dissect it again!  

 It comes with a decision thought to follow after Jesus regardless of how hard things might get. It demands a commitment to do the hard teachings but in and of itself it is simple.

Problem in marriage? Jesus is the answer. Financial worries? Take it to Jesus. What does His word say regarding the issue? Can't seem to overcome that habitual sin? Back to Jesus. If we boil every single issue in life down to its most basic element ,we come to the same conclusion each time, Jesus is the answer.

Eventually the therapy wont be needed. The medication isnt gong to help. The love and support of family and friends will be useless.   One day every single one of us will take our last breath. What then will be the answer to death? Jesus. What did you do with Jesus during your living moments? Did you accept his offer of forgiveness ? Did you put your trust in Him and in Him alone to end the enmity between you and your Creator? 

 Today while you're living for Jesus, doing the ordinary everyday stuff, problems arise, questions surface. The answer is the same. Jesus. It may be simply you just need to stop , drop and pray for wisdom. It may be that you need to take authority over the three enemies of a Christian ( the world, the flesh, the devil). It may mean you need to stop your mad rush to do your errands and go tell a lost soul about the saving power of Jesus. 

Whenever we start to over think, over complicate, just sing the song, Jesus is the answer for the world today and it brings it back to that good old acronym, KISS:  Keep it Simple Saint! 

Friday, August 12, 2022

Why Do I Lack in My Spiritual Health? 

If you do an internet search on almost any biblical topic, multiple Christian songs, sermons, teachings, devotionals and memes pop up. It isn't a lack of information in our society today that leaves us lacking in our spiritual walk. We have access to more Bible apps, online concordances, commentaries etc. than ever before in history! 

 The 21st Century Christian has access to" all things Bible" ! So why is that so many of us struggle in the same old areas as did the great men and women of faith over the centuries? It is simply because human nature is still the same as it was ever since the fall, when sin entered in the Garden of Eden. The sin nature that we inherited from Adam is always there lurking, needing to be crucified daily in order that we might walk in step and in tune with our God!

Therefore, although we may know the verses, and not be lacking in knowledge about God's word, we can still tune out the hard things. We can still use our free will to feed our flesh and not the spirit. We can find ourselves knowing we have spiritual weapons, yet fail to pick them up and utilize them.

I may be stating the obvious, but the truth is that each one of us must intentionally take the truths in God's Word and offer it up to God in prayer. Ask Him how this verse, this precept, this lesson, can be applied to your life right now. Knowing verses without applying them is like having a hundred books on how to fix a broken chair. Next to the book case is the broken chair. Day after day the information is there collecting dust on the shelf. It is not doing anything but sitting there waiting to be utilized. The calendar day changes but the broken chair remains.

If we are going to have a vibrant relationship with the Lord we must be willing to take those devotionals and talk with Him about what we just read. We must be willing to read our Bible, and stop to listen when a verse keeps flashing at us on the page because God is trying to get our attention. We must be willing to  get uncomfortable with self and talk about the things we don't want to talk about with Him. If we are not willing to get real with ourselves and with God, all the Bible teachings in the world won't help us one bit.

We don't need more information, we need more communication with Jesus. Schedule an hour on your calendar to talk about how you are applying His Word to your life situations today. You will be amazed how much better it is to talk with God and not just about God! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Be still and know that I am God- Ps 46:10

Be still? Seriously? That's never ever been an easy thing for me to do! I'm a mover! I am on the go and I love a plan. I like to know where I am going and when I am going to get there. I like to be busy about productivity in the mean time. A day off ? Rest ? I have to work at it! 

Many have said to me , " I wish I had your energy". However, what they really don't understand is that "my energy" is not always a good thing- spiritually that is! Because I tend to be a mover, a doer, a planner, I have a built in tendency to be a control freak too! Those types of personalities like to have planners, to do lists, personal deadlines .To have a plan makes me feel secure!  Often times, to  have a plan means to take charge and be in control!  You know the old saying, "If you want something done right, do it yourself". (At least I think that's a real saying). Somehow that got on auto play in my head! 

What should be one of the most simple commands in Scripture is a head scratcher for me. " Be still and know that I am God" . The New American Standard version renders Psalm 46:10 like this, " Cease striving and know that I am God". The word in Hebrew for " be still or cease striving " carries the idea of " take your hands off, let it drop, let go"   We can't really see God at work in our own lives when we are so busy striving, clinging to our own ambitions, our own goals or our own worries. 

This week the Lord really spoke to my heart. The word "freefall" came to mind. When I totally let go of it all, trying to figure it all out, I am in a state of freefall. It is only then when I have let go of every single concern, fear, ambition that I can sense the presence of the Lord holding onto me. When I let go of my need to be in charge I then sense how vast His control in my life really is. I feel the hand of God holding onto me because I'm not busy squirming around like a toddler wanting to break free of mama's hand! 

In this freefall state there are other things falling too. Chains fall off! The strongholds that Satan loves to use to hold us down, hold us back, fall off. Fear, Worry, overthinking, the need to analyze, and execute a plan... just fall off!  And what we are left with is freedom. I guess that's why its called "free fall"!

 At first it feels scary but once the initial "let go" is done, the sheer exhilaration of freefalling ,with God holding onto you, is amazing! Don't take my word for it, take His! If I can, so can you! 

Monday, August 1, 2022

 I Want to Walk on Water!

Read Matthew 14: 22- 33

John and Mark both record this miraculous event of Jesus walking on the water. However, it is only Matthew who provides the details about Peter, who asked to come out on the water with Jesus.

We are told in verse 24 that the boat that was quite some distance from shore was battered by the waves. John's account ( 6:19) lets us know that the sea was stirred up because of the strong winds. So we understand that the disciples find themselves in a storm. not in the safety of being on land. Winds blowing against them, waves splashing into their boat on this stormy night. Nighttime when its dark. Vision is diminished.

So often we want to experience the miraculous power of walking with Jesus. We want mountain top experiences. We want to hear from God in the burning bush. We want to walk on water like Peter! However, what we often over look is the circumstances of the miraculous walk!  Peter was in a storm  when Jesus came to them walking on water. It was in a time of tumult. An hour of harrowing danger.

If I want to walk on water with Jesus, the first thing I need to remember is that its during the turmoil, during the tumultuous waves crashing, is exactly the season in which Jesus shows up and says, "Take Courage; it is I; do not be afraid"( Mark 6:50) Jesus wouldn't need to tell them ( and us) to fear not, to take courage if everything was easy, with  no worries and  no windy wet boat rides in life. If we want to walk on water we must be willing to let go of our need to have control and get out of our boat. We must expect Jesus to show up in the storm and lead us out into the supernatural abundance with Him. 

A Spiritual Workout  " …work out your salvation with fear and trembling" ( Phil 2:12) I don't know about you, but sometimes I ...