Secular and Divine?
"The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands" Acts 17:24
In God's view there is no such thing as the "secular" and the "divine". It is all divine! It is all His! If we say otherwise, then we are claiming that He is not omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. We are then indirectly putting God in a box labeled, " sacred" and all other is " secular" Either God is all powerful, all present and all knowing or He isn't. There is no gray area on this!
Recently I was faced with an interruption in my day. I was annoyed by having to do something that "wasted" my time due to another's lack of consideration for others. I was griping about it to the Lord when He gently reminded me of this truth: As a believer I don't just serve God in " churchy things" Yes, even in the situations we deem routine maybe even annoying, can be service to Him! However, it depends on my attitude!
I could look at it from my view and get bummed out that I had better things to do, or I could choose to see it from above. Just because I can't see what God is up to all the time doesn't mean He isnt working in the midst of it!
I am called to be a woman of faith in My God who cannot be put in some " religious" box! I am called to believe that studying for a message is not necessarily more special to the Lord than the "secular" activities to which I may be required to participate. God takes us through places we may not choose to go but if we are following Christ He will always bring blessing for our obedience. God is concerned with my attitude and response !
God instructed Moses in the desert to take off his sandals there at the burning bush because he was standing on holy ground!" ( Ex 3: 4-5) I must remember that I am a vessel of the Holy Spirit and He goes where I go. My actions and attitudes need to line up with such truth! When we walk with the Lord we are always standing on holy ground!
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